Saturday, July 19, 2008

What Motivates You?

When you set out to accomplish a task be it physical, academic, or other, we often have motivating factors that help push us along when we might otherwise pack it in.

With physical tasks such as exercising we do it because it's good for our health, it helps give us more energy, or even to look better on the beach. Whatever our reasons, we all have them.

Now take Dick and Rick Hoyt, a father and son team who compete in marathons and Ironman triathlons. It was Rick who convinced his father to enter these races with him.

So this was Dick's motivation. Now... that sounds nice and all.. but watch the video and you'll really understand the depth of commitment on Dick's part to his son.

Sorry to suck you in to a nearly 10 minute video, and I'm not a big fan of the music in the video.. but the story is simply incredible.

When I see something like this, I want to never make an excuse for why I couldn't or I didn't do something that was important. Whether it's a favour for a friend, a loved one, or something as simple as getting in some exercise.

I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I did.


1 comment:

  1. WOW...hard to explain how that video makes me feel...quelle leçon de vie!!!
    So many things come into my mind right now...what I can say is that everything is possible and doable...and whenever I will want to give up, or just the thought of it...I will watch that video over and over again...
    I should say that it was emotionally hard to watch, and it touches me a is, I think, a big reality check...and makes me feel more than alive.
    So many thanks to you have shared that video...

    After watching the video yesterday, I hit the gym and did an amazing gave me so much strenght.

