Friday, June 25, 2010

Watch 2 Pounds Of Fat Get Torched Before Your Eyes

Every wonder what 2 lbs of fat being torched before your very eyes looks like?

Well wonder no more...

Check this out:

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that combining that kind of a workout with a diet that supports fat loss, and your body will have no choice but to shed that extra body fat.

And if that appeals to you, head on over to and take advantage of the completely free 1-week trial I'm offering.

And if you've already entered your name and email address at my bootcamp website, please use this link to activate your free 1-week trial instead.

If you like the video and want to see more like it, just let me know down below in the comments section.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Skinny Bastard Solution

I don't have good genetics to grow...

My metabolism is too fast...

I can't eat enough food...

I burn calories faster than I can get them in...

Sound familiar?

Well it's a load of crap!

Well, not entirely, but for the most part they're just excuses to explain why you don't get the results you're after.

Yes, some people do have more potential than others, but it's rare that "potential" limits muscular growth until years of training and significant muscle has already been added.

So what limits muscle growth and what can we do about it?

It all comes down to desire, and that I'm sorry, is not something I can help you with.

As a 15 year old kid trying to become the next Mr. Olympia, I knew all about desire. I ate tons and trained tons. But I was eating lots of fruits and veggies, and not enough meat and potatoes. I was interested in nutrition as it pertained to building muscle, and low fat was all the rage, so I ate as little fat as possible... Big Mistake!

I also had severe exercise A.D.D.

I blindly went from one training program to the next, never sticking to any one program long enough to see any results.

Each huge guy that came into the gym must have had some secret, so I'd stop whatever program I was on and try to follow the next guy.

I pretty much stayed the same weight for the first three years, until I finally found a training partner who I trained with consistently for the next three years (thanks Jason!) and I gained quickly moved from 18 years old and 145 lbs to 21 years old and 165 lbs.

Next, a new training partner (thanks Dan!) and I went from 21 years old and 165 lbs to 24 years old and 185lbs.

My success in gaining muscle always lay in finding the right program and sticking to it, as well as eating more than ever before.

With that, here's the best diet and training program for skinny bastards to pack on serious muscle size and strength!

Diet Solution For Skinny Bastards

If your goal is to build tons of muscle and you're a hardgainer, the solution is not very technical, but I'll give you a quick breakdown of what you should be eating.

Breakfast (pick any 6)

Oats, Eggs, Waffles, Protein Shakes, Omelettes, Fruit, etc... and that's just for breakfast.

Mid-Morning Snack

Your mid-morning snack should be something that will really get you hungry for a huge lunch, so we're looking for something that's going to spike the hell out of your insulin. So... let's go for a large Dairy Queen Blizzard.

If you're a kid in school, your snacks can be chocolate bars, chocolate milk, and PB&Anything sandwiches!


Lunch should include hamburgers, leftover pizza, PB&A sandwiches, leftover steak, leftover chicken, salad is good for nutrition, but you'll need to completely soak it in dressing to get enough calories from it!

If you're a kid in school, the school cafeteria will have Lasagna and Pizza... go back for seconds, thirds, and when nobody's looking, sneak around behind the counter and steal whatever's left on the tray!

In fact, eat as much as you can get your hands on without getting expelled from school!

Wait a minute... screw that.. if you get expelled, you can eat straight through from the time you wake until you go to bed! Hit it!

Mid-Afternoon Snack

Your mid-afternoon snack should be your highest calorie meal of the day.. since you can sneak off without anyone noticing you and gorge yourself without grossing out anyone you know seeing you. A 12" meatballs Subway sub should do it! Oh, and I always asked for 2-4 extra meatballs and they would just charge me an extra buck or two.

(Your mid-afternoon snack might also be your pre-workout meal or your post-workout meal.)


Dinner should involve a full plate of meat (steak, fish, chicken, etc...), a full plate of starch (rice, potatoes, pasta, etc...) and of course you do need veggies... although if building massive amounts of muscle is most important to you, if you fill up on too much veggies, you won't grow.

Just make sure you find a full fat salad dressing you can drench your salad and veggies in so that you'll like the taste enough to force them down, and make sure you eat them last so if you do fill up too soon on the other stuff.. then oh well!


All skinny bastards should eat dessert every night after dinner. But don't eat it immediately following dinner as you should not have enough room for dessert if you ate enough at dinner.

Go sit your butt down on the couch, conserve as much energy as possible, watch a few TV shows, then head back to the fridge and eat absolutely everything that you can possibly eat, be it ice cream, yogurt, left-over anything, PB&Anything sandwiches... just anything and everything!

Got a brother or sister who steals food off your plate? Or who eats more than their share of food during the day, leaving you with little choice for dessert... EAT THEM TOO!! That way you get back the food they stole from your plate and then some!

The takeaway point about your diet if you're a skinny bastard hardgainer who thinks they can't gain weight is this...

And I'm not exactly sure about the best way to convey this... but think of every opportunity to eat as your last for a very long time. As you eat, keep thinking that your next meal might not be for weeks or months... and you'll probably get enough food down to finally start building muscle.

The Skinny Bastard Training Solution

If you're a classic hardgainer who has a difficult time gaining mass, your workout needs to be simple.

Week 1

Day 1

Squats 5 sets of 5, increase weight every set.
Dips 5 sets of AMRAP
Wide Grip Pull-ups 5 sets of AMRAP
Farmer's Walk 4 sets of 100 steps, increase weight every set.

Rest 1-2 days

Day 2

Deadlifts 8 x 3 reps , increase weight every set.
Split Squats 5 x 12, 10, 8, 8, 8, increase weight every set.
Bench Press 4 x 10, 8, 6, 6, increase weight every set.
Bent-Over Barbell Rows 5 x 12, 10, 8, 8, 8, increase weight every set.
Barbell Curls 3 x 8, increase weight every set.

Rest 1-2 days

Day 3

Squats: 5 x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, increase weight on every set.
Military Press 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8, increase on every set.
Pushups 3 x AMRAP
Chin-ups 5 x AMRAP
Weighted Plank 3 x ALAP

Rest 1-2 days

Week 2

Day 1

Deadlifts 5 x 5, increase weight every set.
Weighted Pushups 5 x 10, increase weight every set.
Weighted Chin-ups AMSAP x 3 reps, increase weight every set.
Barbell Curls 3 x 10, increase weight on each set.
Hands-to-Forearms 3 x 20 each direction.

Rest 1-2 days

Day 2

Squats 6 x 3, increase weight every set.
Step-ups 4 x 12, increase weight every set.
Incline Bench Press 6 x 10, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6 increase weight every set.
Bent-Over Barbell Rows 5 x 12, increase weight every set.
1-DB Farmer's walk 4 x 100', increase weight every set.

Rest 1-2 days

Day 3

Barbell Clean and Press 4 x 8, increase weight every set.
Deadlifts 4 x 10, increase weight every set.
Dips AMSAP x 5 reps, increase weight every set.
Inverted Rows 4 x AMRAP
Mountain Climbers 4 x 30


1. AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible

2. AMSAP = As Many Sets As Possible, which means continue doing more sets until you can't complete another set with increased weight with good form.

3. Always increase weight on each set if possible with good form.

4. Do not train to failure on any exercises except those with AMRAP.


Use the "SeeFood" diet, meaning eat absolutely everything you see, and put this program to work for the next 6-12 months, and you should expect maximum muscle mass and a huge increase in strength.

If you have any comments, please leave them below.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ottawa Boot Camp Member Loses 4 lbs In Just 3 Weeks

Here's an email I received from one of my bootcamp members yesterday.

Hi Shane,

I won't be able to make it to tomorrow's class, and while I know I don't have to inform you of sessions that I can't make, I wanted you to know because I am taking this program very seriously, and I actually feel BAD and am very disappointed that I am forced to miss my workout tomorrow!

I wanted you to know that you are having a very positive impact on me and I am feeling very motivated by your Ottawa Bootcamp program. Although I am very tired after an early morning rise and a long day at work, I feel I have more energy than ever to tackle all the things (and more) that I need do.

In addition, as I am working so hard physically, its motivating me to make a bigger effort to improve my eating habits - still, I am not perfect, but I feel the small changes I've made to date have definitely made an impact.

I jumped on the scale today and I am down 4lbs from when we started!

Talk about motivating!

This is just what I needed to see - and so soon in the program is so awesome... and I wanted you to know!

Having said all this, I know that the road ahead will be challenging - it's easy to see results fast if you work hard in the beginning but the real challenge is in maintaining the hard work to keep progressing towards the goal!

In the past, I might have given up when it gets tough, but with your help, Shane, I'm confident I'll reach my goal and finally get in the best shape of my life!

- Name Withheld


Well thank you very much for your email, and I promise to keep my end and do everything in my power to help you get there!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WOW - Lower Body Workout Of the Week - Jun 16 - 2010

This week's WOW is a lower body strength workout with a lot of core emphasis.

As you progress through the workout, make sure to keep your focus on bracing your abdominals throughout each movement.

Top to bottom time 75 minutes including all warm-ups.

Foam Roller: Quads, Hams, ITB, T-Spine, Lats
Tennis Ball: Piriformis
Dynamic Stretching: Quads, Hams, Hip Flexors, Pecs, Lats
Activation: Glute bridges, band x-walking, band pull-aparts behind neck

Skipping 5 minutes

Mobility: Cossack squats, Kneeling kip-ups

Strength Training:

1 ) Safety Squat Bar High Box (1-2" above parallel) Squats 4x5

2) Trap Bar Deadlifts 3x7

3) Reverse Lunges from 6" box 3x9

4)Glute & Ham Raises 5x8

5A) Grappler Barbell Twists 3x15
5B) Band X-Walking 3x12

Foam Roller: Quads, Hams
Tennis Ball: Piriformis, Glute Medius

Give this workout a try and let me know how it goes in the comments section below!

Top Five Reasons Slow Cardio Sucks

The debate over the effectiveness of traditional cardio continues, even though a mountain of evidence unequivocably proves the superiority of high intensity conditioning training for fat loss.

If you're at all unconvinced, here's my top 5 reasons that high-intensity interval training is superior to traditional (boring as hell) slow cardio.

1. Laws of Physics always prevail!

When you're giving it your all, it takes more fuel. It's like stepping hard on the gas pedal in your car! If you burn more fuel, your body mass decreases. That means you burn more fat. Simple!

2. Increased Metabolic Rate = More Fat Burning 24 hours a day!

High-intensity interval training has a significant effect on 24 hour energy expenditure. This means you continue to burn fat day and night!

Are you going to tell me you'd prefer to limit it to JUST the time you spend on the exercise bike watching reruns of Dr. Phil?

Please, allow me to hammer my head against the wall... I think it would be less painful!

Which brings me to the next point...

3. High-intensity interval training is ANYTHING but boring!

High-Intensity interval training can involve hundreds of different exercises, and when you have to give it 100% at all times, boredom does not even enter your mind!

Trust me on this one... my bootcampers are ANYTHING but bored!

Isn't that right guys?

4. Develop Strong Powerful Muscles!

High-Intensity interval training exercises impose significant loads and high rate-of-force development, creating much stronger, and far more powerful (expression of strength) muscles which improves overall athleticism.

5. Prevent Overuse Injuries

Traditional, slow, boring, low intensity cardio trains your body to economize fuel. Not burn through it like crazy. And while economizing fuel, your body also tends to get "movement" lazy, and repetitive stress injuries are common.

Whether it's the arches of the feet, the ankles, knees, hips, low back, or even shoulders, slow cardio makes it easy to practice poor posture, and lazy movements which can result in all sorts of overuse injuries.

Does all this mean slow cardio has zero benefit?

Not at all!

And slow cardio can be used to supplement high intensity work. It can even help with recovery between high-intensity workouts.

But reliance or over-reliance upon slow cardio for fat-burning... is the big mistake!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Four Year Old Boy Does 1500 Pushups Sets Record

I'm not sure about you, but I feel like there's something wrong here with this picture.

In the video you're about to watch, a 4 year old kid is exercising under the wise (or maybe not so wise) guidance of his grandmother, and mother I presume.

Click here to watch the video:

Now don't get me wrong, I think it's great that kids get lots of physical exercise, but having such a defined exercise "goal" as strength training at such a young age is undoubtedly going to rob this youngster of socializing and unstructured play that will further his athletic development down the road more than his current narrowly focused routine.

I'll admit though, he's doing the best stuff for a kid if you're to do strength work... all bodyweight exercises, no actual weight lifting. But...

The problem I see is that those instructing him, seem not to be leading by example in any way, but rather to be simply enabling his young obsession.

If his exercise routine were only 15-20 minutes per day, it wouldn't be the end of the world, but by 4 years old, managing 1,500 pushups in just 40 minutes... I imagine he's spending at least 40 minutes if not more each day training for such a feat... and of course it's all under the (*ahem*) wise guidance of his expert "in-the-trenches" family members.

As a coach, and as a father, as much as I hope that my kids grow up to embrace strength training as a means to develop a strong and healthy body, I will only encourage it as a means to improve performance in another physical activity (sport)at first.

I will strive to encourage my kids to try many different sports, and become a team player, and at the right age, introduce appropriate strength and conditioning workouts to facilitate improved performance in their sport, and not just for the sake of setting records at young ages.

Coming from India, and judging by the apparent state of dis-repair of the gym they're in, probably a poor part of India, I wonder if this is the parents way of trying to get publicity, in hopes of somehow garnering financial support from what their child is doing.

My thoughts are that if the parents hadn't pushed the kid to keep at it so much, he might have gotten bored with it and just wanted to go play with the other kids. Although he does seem to be enjoying himself in the video.

I don't agree with this kind of thing... but maybe I'm off base.

What do you think?

I'd love to hear your comments on this topic. Please leave them in the comments section below.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Avoid Bad Fats But Still Enjoy Your Food (Recipe)

Tuna Salad Without Mayo That You Can Still Enjoy? Get Out of Here! No Really!

If you're like me, there's nothing worse than a tuna salad without mayo. And if you never have bad fats in your diet, you can probably get away with having a bit of mayo in your tuna salad once in a while.

But as I'm always trying to use tuna since it's so fast and easy, not having mayo all the time might seem tough. Of course you could always use plain yogurt, but still there's something missing.

So it dawned on my a few months ago to try a ripe avocado. Again, if you're like me, the idea of eating avocado by itself is not that appealing... but knowing how healthy they are for you, I decided to take the plunge and just do it.

Here's the recipe I came up with and it's soooo yummy!

1 can skipjack flaked light tuna (always use skipjack "light" tuna as it has the lowest mercury content of any commercially available tuna)

1/2 ripe avocado
1/2 - 1 medium diced tomato
1 spring onion finely chopped
5-6 stalks (with leaves) fresh coriander finely chopped
1/4 lime squeezed
pepper to taste
Spike to taste (Spike is a spice)

Note: Spike contains yeast and autolyzed vegetable protein. There have been claims that autolyzed vegetable protein breaks down into MSG, but personally after a dinner out at a local Chinese food favourite of mine, if I forget to ask for no MSG added, I feel like crap afterwards, but I can put a decent amount of Spike on my foods a few times a week and I always feel great. So I'm not sure these claims are founded.

If you have an MSG issue, you know by how you feel afterwards. As with all foods, I suggest you pay attention to how you feel afterwards and let it govern your choice to consume.

Of course this shouldn't be taken literally... as I feel great after an entire container of ice cream, but I won't do this anymore.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or any recipes that you'd like to share, please leave them in the comments section below.