Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Workout In New Studio!

I Christened my new studio yesterday with a split routine leg workout.

I had 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes at night to thoroughly thrash my legs.
Here's what I did.

Training Session #1 12:45pm
Foam Roller: Quads, IT Band, Hip Flexors, Hams, Calves, Peroneals, Adductors, Glutes, T-Spine.
(10 min)
Dynamic stretching for Hip Flexors, Quads, Hams, and Glutes.
(5 min)

Squats: worked up to a tough 4x5RM
Dumbbell Split Squats 4x8
Band Sideways X-Walking 3x12 (Red Jumpstretch)

Training Session #2 8pm
Dynamic warm-up consisting of: squat to stand, side-side lunging, cradle walk. (5 min)

1-leg squat to bench w/Kettlebell counter weight 4x10 (this is ridiculously difficult.. takes a lot of concentration)
Glute & Ham Raises 4x10

Romanian Deadlifts 3x8
Decline Sit-ups 3x10 (Easy.. no weight, very slight decline)

Reverse Hyperextensions 3x10
Grappler Barbell Twist 3x10

Incline Reverse Crunches 3x10

At this point I was toast, even if I could have done more, Sona, my pup was jumping all over me. She'd had just about enough of me grunting... I figure she thinks i'm in pain (kinda true) and she's jumping all over me to see if I'm ok? Funny.

Anyway.. it was a great workout.. and today I'm well aware of it!

Tonight I'm going to take apart my pulldown/seated row unit gotta remove the whole weight stack in order to get it to a manageable weight to carry down the stairs.


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