Thursday, August 6, 2009

Revealing Video on Food Addiction Plus Day 5 Review of Your Beach Body Boot Camp

I received an email this morning from a colleague in Boston, who found this excellent video by Dr. David Kessler, MD, the former chairman of the FDA, explaining why people find it so difficult to
resist eating certain "foods".

I'm quite certain you'll find it very enlightening.

You can watch the video here:

Dr. Kessler has written a book that goes into great depth in revealing why people are so addicted to certain "foods". Just like the big tobacco companies did in manipulating nicotine levels in their product to create addiction, the big agri-food producers have done the same thing.

Foods with such high concentrations of sugar and fats simply do not exist in nature, yet they permeate every single restaurant, shopping centre, grocery store, and gas station bar. These foods stimulate neurotransmitters in your brain in ways that lead you to crave them when you haven't had them in a while, and to create high levels of anticipation once you make the decision to eat them.

Sounds a lot like the same way cigarettes make you feel!

The link to the video once again is:

Guest Blogger Katy Sinha is back with her review of Day 5 of Your Beach Body Boot Camp.

I've got to be careful now on what I comment on. Last post I had briefly explained how difficult but great it was to do a variation on the plank exercise for the abs. Not that Shane is reading my blog and plotting and scheming like a witch over a cauldron, but we did have to do another round of those killer planks PLUS a new variation.

He tucked those abs exercises in just at the end after
we had stretched so I actually thought we were done. So, I got stuck in my mind where you expect to be finished, and you realize you still have more to do. Mental toughness was not one of the boxes I checked when I signed up, but I see that there is room for improvement.

Ditto on the 'room for improvement' with my diet. I am in perhaps the fortunate position where my main goal is not fat loss, rather it is strength and muscle gain. Many participants are on the challenging path of fat loss and I commend them for their desire to change and action in showing up every day at 7am. About 10 years ago Shane put me through a rigorous 3 week program that helped me lose 9 lbs out of a total of 45lbs that I've kept off since then.

Shane has been sending out these awesome motivational and hugely informative emails covering topics of: fat loss, health vitality and performance, 90/10 rules for discipline with eating healthy and having a cheat meal, kitchen makeovers (throwing out the junk in the cupboards and freezer).

But... gaining muscle as opposed to fat loss is just as difficult. I
had a great weekend attending 2 BBQ birthday parties. Great friends, lots of food, however, I was grazing over salads, chips, burgers, birthday cake and did I mention... wine, wine and wine?

What did I notice about my slack discipline with diet?

Two things:

I noticed how my body did not feel great after the weekend as I am placing more demands upon it with boot camp. Second, the splurge on cake and chips especially did not feel worth it compared to the goals I am trying to achieve with boot camp. HA! So there...even I (who is not trying to lose weight) have to be careful about my diet and follow the principles that Shane is laying down through his emails.

This camp is making sense... it's a camp for the mind, body and spirit.

See you after Day 5


I hope you enjoyed the video I had for you today, and as well Katy's review of Your Beach Body Boot Camp.

I would love to hear your comments on the video today. I'll review the comments, and then tomorrow I'll have a giveaway for the person with the best contribution.

I need a minimum of ten comments to provide the giveaway, so click the comments link below and tell me what you thought of the video and whether you think there's even a chance for our society to beat this growing unhealthy epidemic.

Until next time,

Shane Miller, CFT, CSN
Your Strength and Fat Loss Coach

1 comment:

  1. I can't say I would want to read the book because I have thank fully learned about nutrition (courtesy of you). I also have developed a strong sense of responsibility towards my body and mind. I don't blame the "food industry" for the 'fat' people, I don't actually blame anyone. However, I do think that each person is wholly responsible for themselves to learn and educate themselves in the most basic ways to enjoy their life and body.
    Sadly, this education is lacking in our culture.
    It's time that we re-educate ourselves, however that process may happen, so we can instill in our children for their health and future. Bad foods will be eliminated if we don't choose to buy them.

    But to blame the food industry is an ignorant way to come to terms about one's failing body health.

    anyone else with similar commentary?
