Thursday, July 9, 2009

Burn More Fat At Your Beach Body Boot Camp

The last few weeks I've been hard at work putting together the best possible fat burning workouts I could think of. They're ready. I've also been hard at work getting a website up so you can find out how you too can burn more fat at Your Beach Body Boot Camp!

So bust on over to and find out for yourself why my email inbox is overflowing with sign-up forms since we went live at noon today!

Don't miss it!

Shane Miller, CPT, CSN
Your Strength and Fat Loss Coach


  1. Wow! Great new look and feel, love the new site!

    Here's an inspirational quote from Lance Secretan:

    Inauthentic people are people who say one thing and do another; people who feel one thing but say another; people who think one thing, but do another. Authenticity is the opposite of this. When we are authentic, we align our minds, our mouths, our hearts, and our feet – in other words, we think, say, feel and do the same thing with complete congruence. This is how we become real.

  2. Thanks for your feedback, and the quote! I couldn't agree more!

