Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I think I Just Threw Up In My Mouth...

Sadly... I have just seen a new evolution in the ever-pathetic pussification of the fitness industry!

People need ways of becoming stronger, not WEAKER!

Getting stronger means applying INCREASED loads to our muscles not DECREASED loads!

A new product is now available that removes the requirement to have any calf or ankle strength when engaging in running and jumping type physical activities.

I couldn't get the video to embed here, but you can watch it by clicking the link below the picture of Mario the Kangaroo:


(warning: try not to vomit)

Points to note in video:

1. Obviously pre-Kangaroo athletically inclined, body built with genetics and weights "Mario the Kangaroo who is demoing the product.

2. Remove Mario the Kangaroo from the video, and how exciting does it look?

3. Note how great of a workout she had at end of video by all the sweat on her, even though she says it was a great workout.

4. Tell me you're going to bounce up stairs like that without risking a good fall? You've got a half moon on the bottom of your foot... not so smart!

5. How much money are you going to let them make off your continued lower limb dysfunction?

It's bad enough you have to pay upwards of $120 for a decent pair of running shoes. So let's double that price and enable you to maintain your puny useless ankles and feet!

But hey, maybe trying it will make you a believer?

So picture this. You'll be wearing these joke Kangaroo Shoes and you'll be out for a jog and you'll notice that you can jog longer than you could before. You'll enjoy it a bit more perhaps. Why? Because your feet and calves won't get as sore.

Great... right?

Well no.. because as the rest of your body is adapting to being able to do more, your poor little calves and ankles are being left behind to rot and wither.

Mainstream fitness doesn't mention much about the importance of lower limb strength because it doesn't sell magazine covers. But if you think about it for just one second.. your calves, ankles, and feet are the one part of you that connects you to the ground.

Just look at how good you are with a sprained ankle. Useless as 3 legged mule!

Hey.. I know... Let's go put a 450 block engine into our little Toyota but screw the tires and suspension... who cares...

Exactly... completely retarded!

"But wait... there's all sorts of studies cited at www.kangaroojumps.com that show how great they are.. "

Are you kidding me?

I didn't bother reading any of the studies, because OBVIOUSLY they're all going to show that people got increases in cardiovascular health with less lower limb injuries.


You can take any fat out-of-shape population get them running with Kangaroos and then compare their rate of lower limb injury and obviously they'll have more injuries.

The point is that as any personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, or fitness instructor/leader or anything similar, your job is to help your clients to become stronger and more functional, NOT LESS!

There is rarely someone who can't develop foot and ankle strength and flexibility sufficient to begin walking and eventually progress to some degree of jogging/running, and along the way, their cardiovascular system will benefit.

When most people don't move around enough to begin with and have withered, weak, feet and ankles, the one thing they DON'T need is to circumvent their situation.

It is rare that you can circumvent a problem in the body without creating another. Just look at what the rise of "low fat" foods has done to our growing epidemic of obesity!

So are there any situations where Kangaroos might be beneficial? Sure! If you've been in an accident and you've completely destroyed your ankle or had the calf muscles torn off the back of your leg, then this could be a very useful MEDICAL device.

But for the rest of you lazy slobs who think this is a great invention... let me save you some money and help you get yourself ready to run again:

1. Get yourself a foam roller and start using it!

2. Back up the foam roller with a once a month trip to see a good, experienced soft-tissue specialist who uses Active Release techniques.

3. Start by walking more. Walk on different types of terrains. Grass, sand, some hills... a little hike.

4. Add in some pace variations. Fast/Slow.. kind of like interval training.

5. Make sure you get lots of barefoot walking in too on softer surfaces.

6. Then maybe, just maybe you might actually go for a few short jogs.

7. Work on some uphill jogs.

8. Add in uphill speed work before distance.

In other words.. gradually stress the structures in your lower limbs and get them strong enough so that if you do want to go for a 5-10km run one day.. you can just throw your NORMAL running shoes on and hit it!

The point I'm trying to make is that todays fitness industry is largely a joke, and these Kangaroo boots are no exception. Everyone in the industry is out to somehow make things easier.

Understand this.. to be strong and fit will take hard work, no matter how you cut it. Don't believe me? That's fine... I couldn't care less. I have no time to try and convince you otherwise.. as there's more than enough people out there who know it takes hard work and are ready to invest in themselves to get strong and in crazy shape!

And for all of you guys who know and understand this...

It's Roo Roastin' Time!

Be Strong,


P.S. I do believe I mentioned previously how organic grass-fed Kangaroo is one of the best sources of CLA, a potent anti-cancer, anti-heart disease, anti-inflammatory nutrient. If you missed the article, you can read more by clicking the link below.

Roo-Roastin' for Health

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