Thursday, October 8, 2009

Workout Of The Week

5 minutes of skipping

Soft-tissue work
Foam roller: Quads/ITB/T-Spine/Hams/Lats
Tennis ball: Piriformis/Glute Medius/Infraspinatus

Activation Exercises, Mobility, and Dynamic Stretching
1. Glute Bridge w/medicine ball adduction 20 sec isometric hold + 20 reps
2. Serratus pushups 15 reps
3. Rectus Femoris/Tensor Fascia Lata stretch (required to open anterior hip)
4. Pec major stretch (required to allow for squats)
5. Wall slides 10 reps (help activate lower traps)
6. Band pull-aparts

Strength Work

KB Clean & Push Press
6x16kg, 4x20kg, 3x24KG, 3x3x28KG

Cambered Bar Squats
Work up to 5x6x(Bar+110 lbs)

Blast Straps Pushups (BTR)
5x18, 16, 15, 15, 13

Glute & Ham Raises
1x10x&, 1x10x12, 2x10x15, 1x14x&

Chest-supported Dumbbell Rows
12x30, 12x35, 3x12x40

Weighted Plank
1x75 sec x 25, 1x75 sec x 35, 1x65 sec x 45

Seated Hip Abduction With Band
3x20 x mini jumpstretch

Time 90 min.

1 comment:

  1. Shane, I was wondering what your opinion was on this P90 and P90X craze that is all the buzz. Does it work? What are downsides?

    Thanks. I love this blog
