Monday, September 7, 2009

Build Muscle and Burn Fat At Home

I’ve been working a lot lately on a new product that I can’t wait to share with you guys. It's going to help you build muscle and burn fat at home with minimal equipment. It will be available through my website once it’s finished. The product will be an electronic, downloadable training program complete with full video gallery, a full program manual, and printable workout logs.

If you read my last post, you'll know how important it is to be as "inefficient" as possible when trying to burn fat. This program will definitely help you be as inefficient as possible while both building muscle and losing fat.

A while back I sat down to brainstorm the best possible program that could be done at home with minimal equipment, that would produce measurable results in a fraction of the time that most people’s exercise routines require. There were three main criteria for designing this program.

The key elements of the program are:

1. High-power movements that involve high levels of muscle tension, which helps to promote strength gains.
2. High calorie expenditure which promotes rapid fat loss.
3. Minimal time requirement, so that there are NO MORE EXCUSES.

Item number three is the one that people will be most excited by. The absolute minimum time requirement is only 4 minutes a day. Don’t get me wrong, four minutes a day isn’t enough if that’s all you ever do, but on those days where you don’t have more than 4 minutes, any of the four-minute routines will keep you strong, fit, and motivated.

I’ve got four sample workouts from the program below. I’m starting to film video of the exercises for the program next week, so I don’t have the videos for you yet, but as soon as they’re ready, I’ll be making the ones from the sample below available to you free of charge.

Each group of exercises are done in a circuit. Instead of counting reps, you will go by time. I suggest picking yourself up an interval timer. The best one out there is GYMBOSS. I use it for my bootcamps, and it is simple to use and only costs $20. I ordered it online from their WEBSITE, and it arrived in the mail in only 4 days.

If you are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise, you start slowly, and just focus on the technique, building up your speed and effort level over time.

Circuit #1 (4 minutes)

Bodyweight Warrior Squats 20:20
Inverted Rows 20:20
Supported 1-Leg Squats 20:20
Pushups 20:20
Lateral “skating” hop 20:20
Extended Abdominal Plank 20:20

Circuit #2 (4 minutes)

Bodyweight Front Squats 20:20
Pull-ups (assisted if necessary) 20:20
Supported Pistol Squats 20:20
Pike Pushups 20:20
Lateral Step-Overs 20:20
Floorclimbers 20:20

Circuit #3 (4 minutes)

Bodyweight Jump Squats 20:20
Alternating DB Bent-Over Rows 20:20
Split Jump Squats 20:20
Hindu Pushups 20:20
Lateral Jump to 1-Leg Squat 20:20
Mountain Climbers 20:20

Circuit #4 (4 minutes)

Bodyweight 1-Leg Jump Squats 20:20
Band Pull-Apart To Chest 20:20
Sumo Band Squats 20:20
Plyo Push-ups (from knees) 20:20
4-Way Hop 20:20
T-Twists 20:20

Increase the difficulty of each exercise by increasing your speed of movement. Be sure not to drop too quickly in the bodyweight squat, as you don’t want to bottom out.

Depending on your fitness level, start off with just one or two circuits and train every other day. Each week, add another circuit, or do two rounds of the same circuit. Keep increasing the number of circuits and/or rounds of circuits until your total time reaches about 20 minutes. That's all you'll have to do to get amazing results.

If you like these workouts, and want even more variety, check out your local bootcamps, and look for boot camps where they run people through short but super-intense exercises involving lifting, carrying, throwing, pulling, dragging, and flipping of any number of different objects such as tires, ropes, and sandbags. Bodyweight exercises are great too, but they need to be done in circuit fashion like the circuits above in order to produce the rapid fat loss effects. Simply doing lunges for a minute then pushups then crunches is just going to make you sore.

The smartest thing you could do though without a doubt, is to check THIS out! Nothing will strip the fat off you faster! I designed Your Beach Body Boot Camp to be quite possibly the fastest fat loss program ever.

I won’t lie to you though, it’s tough. Really, really tough. But the folks who are coming down and really pushing their limits are seeing some incredible changes to their bodies!

Ah what the heck, nothing wrong with a healthy bit of self-promotion! ;)

So that’s it for this week’s newsletter, I hope you’ve enjoyed the three articles I had for you today. I’ll be back with a few more blog posts later in the week, and a brand new newsletter next week!

If someone forwarded the newsletter to you or sent you the link to my blog and you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, you really should. It’s absolutely free, and to boot you’ll get my Free 7-Day Fat Loss Jumpstart guide. There’s so much great info in it that I really should be selling it instead of giving it away, but I think the info is so important that I want everyone to have it.

To join up, just fill in your name and email address on the right side of my site up near the top. I promise to never share your name or email address with anyone.

Have a great week!

Shane Miller, CPT, CSN
Your Strength and Fat Loss Coach

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