I won't beat around the bush... I' m not psychic, but I am the man who knows!
And I'll bet my bacon that if you're not feeling full of energy, you probably had a BREAKFAST FAIL!
Maybe I was being a bit misleading with the title of the email I sent you, but I think the way you start your day is one of, if not THE most important things to get right.
Here's a few examples...
Unfortunately this person will always be fat, and will never succeed. Because deep down inside, they know this isn't healthy.
But since they like it, and the yogurt container says, "Heart Healthy Low Fat", and their muffin is low fat also (they think), and they have an apple, they feel safe to not be hounded for eating an even worse breakfast.
If this is your breakfast, you're seeking safety of not having everyone come down on you for eating crap. You feel if anyone notices what you're eating, they'll commend you for at least making an effort right?
Hey.. at least you're not eating a Poutine for breakfast!? Right?
Keep it up, and it's not the only thing that's gonna stay up!
Give me a fricken break! If you're overweight, and have no energy, the last thing you should be doing is being lazy with your breakfast. Ok, so it's not as bad as BREAKFAST FAIL #3, but come on... you can do better than this.
You've got a bowl of raspberries (good), almonds (good), and GARBAGE CEREAL!
As if you couldn't pop some oats in the microwave for 60 seconds... Jeez!
If this is your breakfast, and you're not already fat... you will be! If you already are... WTF are you still eating this crap for?
I know.. you're busy... WE ALL ARE... but skipping breakfast at home for this... is just plain old dumb! Do you have any idea what is in this garbage?
Here's the ingredient list: Fatso, dihydro-fatso, di-hommo-gamma-fatso, di-estryl-tetra-butylene-fatso, di-terephthalylideno-FATSOnic acid, ethylhelxyl-di-decoheptrexynolo-fatso, 1-2-octocryleno-fatso, 4-carbonic-methoxy-cinnamatalic-fatso, 3-4-7-methyl-diesterase-butoxylinamic-fatso...
As the saying goes... YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!
Ok, I'm sorry, but this is like BREAKFAST FAIL #3 on STEROIDS
If you are eating this as your daily breakfast, then you have a death wish!
I like dessert, I really do. But I eat it only on occasion. NOT TO START MY DAY!
And honestly.. what the hell is with the sausages? Oh, right, protein. Yes, you need protein at breakfast... but on a daily basis, trust me on this one... sausages is not where you want to get it! Tons of chemicals.
Bone up pal... get some oats, fruit, nuts, milk... what your grandparents ate!
Nuff said!
Yes, low carb diets like the Atkins diet work. But they only work if you follow them properly!
What's that? You heard that you can eat all the bacon and eggs you want, and you'll lose fat, clean out your arteries, and avoid cancer and heart disease and live to be 900 years old like Noah?
Without getting into the merits of the Atkins diet in any detail, yes, following this kind of diet can do wonders for your health. But the reason so many people had poor results on the Atkins diet is that it was so restricting of foods people like, that eventually, what was supposed to be eggs, fresh pork, and a variety of vegetables, turned into this plate of food! Note the token tomato and baked beans on top of the ketchup!
Point is... highly restrictive diets don't work... so stay away from them!
Now that you know what constitutes some serious BREAKFAST FAIL... the question is, what should you be eating?
The answer... tomorrow.
Hint... it's called "PSYCHO-BODY-ROCKET-FUEL"...
I've got a great video for you, all ready to show you what it's all about!
And it will make you into a crazy-energy-fiend!
My YouTube Channel is set-up, and I'll be slowly adding instructional exercise videos to it. You can check it out at any time here:
Wow... preach on brotha! Back to the basics guys! If it doesn't have a face, or doesn't grow in the ground... don't EAT it.. :D
ReplyDeleteYou got it man... it's like I said... if your grandparents didn't eat it as kids, then you shouldn't either!